Time Out Tokyo magazine No. 8
Image: Art direction by Steve Nakamura, photography by Yasunari Kikuma, styling by Kumiko Iijima, hair, make-up and mask paint by Minako Suzuki
On shelf from September 30, 2015, the eighth issue of Time Out Tokyo magazine treats you to a 'culture shock', serving up 100 ways Japan will blow your mind. Starting with kawaii icon Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, our list includes things like the receptionist robots at newly opened Henn-na Hotel, the artistic sushi of Tama-chan, the crazy new Kawaii Monster Cafe in Harajuku, the virtual pop stars, the bonsai that 'flew' to space, and everyday wonders like the pens with erasable ink and the sun visors that sparked a fashion trend on global catwalks.
We're also excited to announce that our lineup of all things cool about Japan will be hitting the streets of London: the September 29 issue of Time Out London features our magazine cover as well as an excerpt from our main feature article. Londoners can get their copy at all the usual Time Out distribution points across the city, as well as at the Moshi Moshi Nippon Festival, held at the venerable Roundhouse on October 11.
And what is the deal with that cover, you ask? This is how art director Steve Nakamura describes it: ’Behind the mask stands a young Japanese pop phenomenon – Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. A picture of Tokyo’s modern yet traditional split personality. It's a mixture of culture, Harajuku in traditional Kabuki, reality with fantasy, within a continuous evolution of her image.’
Released Date: September 30, 2015
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